Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Project 365

I have wanted to do a P365 for a long time now, but being my neurotic self I couldn't possibly start one on just any day of the year. It had to be January 1st. It's a pretty simple project. All you have to do is take one photo a day, everyday for a year. See, simple. I'm hoping that this will help with my 'lack of motivation' problem. I've definitely noticed that my photography and blogging has seriously lacked in all aspects. I know how fast these kiddos are growing. I love being able to look back and see how far they've come and how big they are. So hopefully this will remind me that no matter what mood I'm in that I need to take at least one photo a day.

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Ruby is constantly getting into things she shouldn't. Today she was into our massive collection of movies and found 'Happy Feet'. Lilly loved this movie when she was teeny tiny, and she still does today. So after a lot of 'Pease mommy, pease mommy?'s and pouting I caved and put it for her. She loved it and danced through a lot of it. Overall it was a success. It kept the kiddos occupied for long enough that Mommy didn't lose her marbles :)


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