Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things....

-So Sadie was lounging on the new couch we got for the girls. We got a couch and an easy chair, both made with wood and upholstered in purple. We were on our way up the stairs so Ruby could play in the playroom and we could watch a movie. I said "C'mon Sadie we need to go upstairs." She responded with "Okay, okay. I'm  coming. I was just chillin'."
They were so excited to get these!
Ruby likes them too :)
-We were at the table eating dinner and waiting for Daddy to get home. Once he did and sat down with us the girls started in on their 10,000 questions and everything they did that day. Sadie starts off with "Hi Papa Bear." Lilly then goes into explaining that she has decided to call Daddy "Papa Bear while he is at work and Daddy when he is at home." Then she proceeds to ask, "Daddy do you tootie (fart) at work?" If we weren't at the dinner table we would have died laughing.

She loves sitting with Daddy.
-Steven put together the walker that Sadie had when she was a baby for Ruby. She is really getting mad and frustrated that she is not mobile yet so it was perfect. She picked up how to use it the first time she was in it. The next day I was making dinner and Steven went to the Turkish commissary to get water. We put her in the walker because lately if she is in her high chair she better be eating. She has decided the high chair is only for eating and not playing. Well she got really quiet so I turned around and she had followed Sadie into the bathroom. She comes back to the kitchen and starts opening drawers. The first one she opened bonked her in the head so she opened a lower one. It just happened to be the one that we keep ziploc bags in. She started ripping them out so I just let her play with them. Next thing I know she is trying to pull trash out of the trash can. I clean her up and move her away from it. Next thing you know, she knock over the entire trash can. She just laughed....

-Sadie walks into our room tonight and walks up to our bed. In hushed tones she tells us the aliens are coming and they are coming in a fire truck.
Lilly loves sitting in her rocking chair and reading books.

-In other news, Lilly surprised us by spelling her name! She was playing with a magna doodle and she started squealing "Look I wrote my name!!" Sure enough she spelled Lillian.

-I washed a long crocheted blanket that my mom had made. Steven brought the clean laundry up and Sadie spied it in the basket. She just kept oohing and ahing at the basket and saying "Oh wow!" She pulled it and said "It's a BIG Yiayia blanky." She calls her blanky her Yiayia blanky. She put the blanket over her head like a cape and ran out of the room.

-Ruby has a favorite song. It's called "Trashin' the Camp" from the Disney movie Tarzan. Everytime she hears the song, whether we are playing it on an iPod, watching the movie, or someone is singing it, she starts dancing. She is so cute, she'll wiggle all over the place or if you help her stand she has this crazy leg thing she does.

-We have some Disney World vacation planning DVDs. They also come with a pamphlet about the park as well as a map of the park. Sadie sat down and was looking at one of the maps. She had an epiphany. Both Lilly and Sadie have been asking to go to any Disney Park. While she was looking at the map she said "That's how you get to Disney, I have to tell Daddy!"
They can be so sweet to each other, when they want.
This how they were watching TV for a while.
-As much as they fight they love to play together or just be together. They will start fighting and we'll separate them so they are no longer playing and they will yell at us for doing it. We will be eating dinner and they sit next to each other and they will scoot their teachers together so the chairs are touching. One will start bothering the other so we will push the chairs back to where they were. Before we are can even move the chairs they start yelling for us to stop. They want to sit with their "sissy".
They were amazed at how big they are and loved eating them!
She thoroughly enjoyed her marshmallow.
- Yiayia found some enormous marshmallows at grocery store near her. Knowing the that all 3 of the girls and Steven love marshmallows, she sent us some. She filled the box with lots of different goodies, including some baby snacks for Ruby. One treat was Gerber cereal  bars. I took one out for Ruby and broke it into small pieces.She smooshed them back together to make one big piece then took the other half that was unbroken and ate it all. She will just take the whole cereal bar now and eat it like any other "big"person would.  They all loved the marshmallow. Ruby took a whole one and just held it in her hands and took small bites of it. Now if  she sees some one else eating one without her, she'll yell, scream, and squawk until she gets some. 
Tearing apart their "Yiayia box". They love mail :)

-I asked Lilly to go downstairs and get the bag of things we had just bought at the BX. When she came back up she only had the screws that were in the bag. I told her to go back down to get the back and she asked why. I told because their were things in there I would like to get out, like the books they just got. She goes back down again adn come back up with just the books. I asked her to go downstairs aagain ans get the back. She sighed and asked why this time. I said I had asked her twice for the bag downstairs and twice she came back up without it. She says 'aw man!' and heads dowstairs again. She has been doing this a lot lately. Ask her to get something and she comes back with something else. She is a  crazy girl.
The girls are keeping us busy,but they are so much fun :)


Friday, August 13, 2010

Ruby eating...

Ruby loves to eat! She doesn't eat a lot but she truly enjoys when it is time to eat. In this video I fed her some squash and Steven wanted her to try some mashed potatoes. She wasn't a big fan of the potatoes so when we weren't looking she was licking squash off her bib, but she kept stopping when she saw us looking. The password is ruby.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.


Gymnastics Videos

The password is gymnastics.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.
Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

The past week or so...

Story Time at the library.
Last weekend the girls started gymnastics. They were so excited, especially Sadie since she wasn't old enough in England. They did pretty well. Lilly loved showing her teacher all the things she already knew. Sadie was pretty good too. Steven and I often forget how young she actually is because she keeps up with Lilly so well and they are about the same size. She had her moments when she would run off and want to do something else in the gym, but she was probably the most attentive of the 2/3 year olds in her class. Oh and both Lilly and Sadie were the smallest kids in their classes. I even think there were some kids in Sadie's class that were bigger than Lilly. We move to Turkey and all the sudden their are big kids. I mean there are some 3 year olds that look 5 or older big. It's crazy, but the girls seem to have enjoyed their classes.
Playing in the play room.
Playing on the futon with their own toys.
We still don't know if Lilly has been accepted into the pre-K program here. There isn't a preschool but the elementary school offers the pre-K. I am starting to get a little annoyed because here it is August 13 and school starts August 30. Um...that's like in 2 weeks. We were pretty sure they require dental exam/physical to start so we were luckily able to get in with the dentist here. Unfortunately, Lilly has cavity. I was shocked. She has always been pretty good at letting brush her teeth. We are waiting for our dental insurance to start and then she will go to a Turkish dentist to have it filled. Steven will have to take her because they will not give me a gate pass, so being stuck on base will continue. There isn't a pediatric dentist on base so they are sending her to someone who has been working with the base dentist for the past 13 years. Sadie's appointment went really well. She use to have horrible stranger anxiety so I was nervous that she wouldn't cooperate. I even thought that since Lilly had a cavity Sadie would have one too because she doesn't always cooperate with me when I brush hers. Thank God she did well and doesn't have any cavities.
I showed the girls how to make their beds last week and since then they have been making their own beds while I make mine. They do a pretty good job, Lilly especially. She took the time to figure out how to fold her fleece Transformers blanket all by herself. It's crazy how big she is getting and how smart all three of them are. 
The many faces of Ruby Elaina!
Ruby is doing great. Her eczema sores are just about gone and she hasn't been scratching much anymore. And because it is getting better she has been able to take more baths. She loves the bath tub. She'll sit there and just splash and splash. She is eating well and growing. She loves table foods but also loves baby food too. We usually feed her some baby food at every meal (she doesn't always eat it but we offer) and at dinner we will give her some of the food we are eating. She's also getting mad because she can't move around yet. I can't believe she is 8 months old already.
Steven is on dayshift now and we LOVE it. He is getting a little more sleep and a better quality sleep. And it is great that we have his days off together. Before he would be sleeping for half the day and be exhausted when he was with us. Still the girls wake up in the morning looking for him even though they know hes at work. And at least once a day Lilly asks if he can come home or if he can stay home because she misses him. We were even able to make it to church last weekend and it was nice. Lilly and Sadie have been asking when we were going to go back to church. Taking them by myself usually turns into a nightmare so it's good that Steven was able to come.
My passport finally came in and is now turned in for my new residency permit. Once that come back we start the process of our COT (continuous overseas tour) leave paper work. We really would like to be in Texas for Thanksgiving and in Pennsylvania in the beginning of December. We are so excited. All of us are anxious just to go back. Hopefully soon! I'll post videos in a separate post because there is like 6 of them!