Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Monday, January 9, 2012

i ♥ faces

With 2011 ending, I ♥ Faces is doing a Best Face of 2011 challenge. I've taken so many photos this past year that I can't even count, and I wouldn't want to simply because I know it would take a long time. I've many photos that I love, but I keep coming back to this one of Sadie-Mae. Everything about it is just so Sadie and that genuine smile doesn't come out much for photos. This is definitely my favorite photo of the year. And here's to all the future favorites of 2012. There's a lot of big things happening this year, some good- our move back to the States!- and some not so good- thyroid cancer surgery. But I plan to document it all!

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I Heart Faces Photo Challenge & Photography Tutorials



  1. Wow...such an incredible shot! Adorable little girl...and, I love that bokeh <3

  2. Love the bokeh and sweet lil face! And high five from one AF Mommy to another!

  3. Gorgeous little girl! I like your angle of the shot!

  4. Thanks everyone! You're too sweet!
