Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hell Week

This week is what I call 'Hell Week'. At the end of this week our household goods will be packed up and start their long journey to Nebraska and our car will be shipped. ANd I am pretty positive that after this week I won't be so stressed. Speaking of stress, I am doing pretty well. Usually when I'm stressed I end up with body aches and an upset stomach, but I feel in control. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not pregnant and I didn't just give birth. I've been sorting and cleaning every day for the past 3 weeks so I think everything is going pretty smooth. We finally have orders and soon we will be done with our pack out, shipping our vehicle, and done with our housing inspection. So after this week it'll be like a whole load off our shoulders, so say a little prayer that everything goes smoothly :) PCSing and I have a love hate relationship. On one hand I am over the moon excited to get out of this country and on the other I hate that we have to pack up our things and we won't see any of it until about the end of April. I'll be happy as soon as we are all settled in our new house. And, God willing, we'll stay at Offutt AFB for a good long while. I'm not looking forward to the deployments but I am happy that at least we'll be living in the states when they do happen.
With all that said, I've been organizing and cleaning fool. I've made it my mission to not only clean everything in a timely manner, but also get everything organized. When we moved here the movers in England packed everything haphazardly. And when I say haphazardly I mean one spoon wrapped in 4 large sheets of paper and furniture hardware in several boxes labeled with different rooms. We had to tear apart every box to find all the pieces to our bed, it was insane. It also made unpacking difficult especially when things for the living room were packed in boxes with the kids bedroom things. This time I got a LOT of ziploc bags. So many bags that I'm thinking I should buy stock in the ziploc company. I filled them with like things so it wouldn't be mayhem to unpack. Most of the cleaning with take place once the house is empty, but I've been doing the appliances and bathrooms so I'll have a good head start before our final inspection.
And speaking of inspections, Steven's squadron in having right now so he was put back onto night shift. So during the day he runs around to do his outprocessing and clean the outdoor stuff, then he sleeps for a handful of hours, and then goes to work for 12 more hours. Poor thing is exhausted. He does so much for us. We are truly blessed to have him as such a great husband and daddy.
Throughout everything I've made sure to take photos and keep up with my P366 project. In a few years it will be nice to look back on everything and have it all documented. It'll be good for the girls too. They love looking at photos and reminiscing about all the amazing things they've done in their short little lives.
Now here are my P366 photos.
23. Reading books at the library while Daddy checks his work email.
28.Getting in trouble yet again! She's is the #1 trouble maker in our house, hands down.
25. The beginning of my great, big organizational project!
26. Sweet, sleepy Milo Kitty.
27. Lilly's first year of selling Girl Scout cookies. She's an awesome sales girl :)
28. Daddy's her best friend she says.
29. Organizing and cleaning has completely taken over the house.
30. She found my favorite pen, drew all over herself, and then lost the pen. Hours later I discovered she drew all over her belly and sides too. See what I mean, she's a trouble maker!

And this is how I spend my nights. Get the girls ready for bed and everything ready for Lilly to go to school the next morning and then I get a glass of wine and watch so tv. Pretty soon this move will be all over and I'll wonder where the time went. Seriously folks, January is just about gone. Until then I'll try and savor every moment, good or bad. Cheers!


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