Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big News, BIG NEWS!

We have a new member of our family. Her name is Sophie and she's a 2 year old bichon frise. She is the sweetest little thing and the girls adore her. They have wanted a small dog for a very long time. We had 2 other dogs before her and things did not work out well with them and part of the reason was the dogs were bigger than our kids. All 3 girls are very petite. They have grown a LOT over the past year but they are still the smallest compared to other kids their age. Bigger dogs are intimidating and can easily push them out of the way. Sophie is just a perfect fit for us. She is sweet, gentle, well behaved, and cute too! We are thrilled to have her join our family.

We also got some more big news this weekend. We received our next assignment.

 We are headed to Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan! We are so excited to go there and make it our home. The girls are ecstatic. Lilly has learned that all of the kids in her class are military kids too and they all go through the same process of packing up and moving. Sadie and Lilly both remember the physical process of moving- packing up the house, getting on an airplane, staying in hotels, getting a new house, and then wait and wait some more for our belongings to catch up to us- and are excited to see where this next chapter brings us. At school when someone moves they will tell the class where they are moving to and try to "prepare" them for the changes. Lilly remembers where all her friends that have gone so she is hoping that she sees them again. I know, I know. Most of you are saying explain to her that there's a good chance she won't see them. But, there is a little boy in her class here that was in her nursery school class in England. They remembered each other when he moved here and have enjoyed that.
Sadie is thrilled because there is a Disneyland in Tokyo, ha! She likes looking at the photos of our trip in Disneyland Paris in 2007 when I was pregnant with her. She wants to see all her favorite characters, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy. That is a big one on our list to do there. Either way we are excited :) I will try and keep this blog up to date on all the different parts of PCSing to the other side of the world!


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