Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kids Say the Darnedest Things, take 2

Steve and I are always talking about how we wish we had a video camera turned on the girls 24/7. They come up with the craziest things randomly throughout the day and we don’t want to ever forget it.

  • Ruby loves guys in uniform. She will just walk straight up to them and let them hold her and talk to her, and she just smiles away. She is the only one out of the 3 of them that likes the uniform. Lilly and Sadie associate it with Daddy leaving and at some points have just completely freaked out. I think because Steven was gone so much in England and Ruby has been through that yet.
  • Sadie starts talking to me in jibberish. She was trying to tell me her belly button hurt. I asked her what it was and she said, “It’s like kinda of round and has bumps in it.” I look ate her and say, “No, what is hurting it?” And when I look at it she‘s poking herself repeatedly in the belly button with her finger. I told her to stop and she says, “Oh, that’s better.” Ha!
  • Apparently when I talk and bob my head around with the words. Ruby has picked up on that so when she says, “Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm!”, she bobs her head all over the place. She already says “mm” and “yum” with every bite she eats so it’s just hilarious to watch her eat now.
  • We have been telling the girls that this time next year we will be moving again. They will pick a place that they want to live and ask if Air Force can send us there. It always varies and is always followed by, “Is there a Disneyland there?” Well Sadie told me in the car today that she can’t wait to move to Texas and live in a hotel. She REALLY loved staying in San Antonio with Memaw, Papop, and Shelby.
  • The big girls will always consider England home. We are going back to the states this summer to escape the heat of Turkey and we keep telling them we are going to Yiayia’s house in Pennsylvania. Sadie declared that she wants Yiayia to move to England so we can visit her there.
  • And yes, Ruby is still calling Daddy, “Muhma!”



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