Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dining Room, Stairway, Girls' Bathroom - lots o' photos!

Our dining room. It's pretty much done, but I think we need to change the pictures frames. The colors just are doing it for me. They are so much darker than the furniture.
When Ruby isn't with us at the table(when she is sleeping), we move the high chair over to the corner.
This is what we did with the stairway. The girls have so many beautiful pieces of artwork and random photos that don't have frames, so we hung them up here on a clothes line. They love seeing their work and we love having them displayed for everyone to see. We are so proud of them.
 Here's a close up of some of the things hanging. Lilly's Busy Bees class photo is up there too! It is an awkward size so finding a frame hasn't been the easiest.
Sorry it's kinda blurry, but this is the girls' bathroom.
Another view. Yes those are Camp Rock and High School Musical towels in the background. Lilly is 4 going on 13. She is in love with Troy Bolton and the Jonas Brothers. Steven is thrilled. Not the sarcasm, ha!
I'll post the living room photos in a separate post. This one is photo heavy already. Our bedroom, the girls bedroom, and the kitchen photos are waiting on clean laundry and dishes! It's not that bad, but I'd rather not show you our dirty laundry and dishes. Ruby's room is almost done. We still need a few things for it. We will be done soon!

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