Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ruby Lainey

Ruby is now almost 5 months old! She is a very happy baby despite all of her skin issues and ailments. She no longer has cradle cap, but now she has some eczema on her head. The poor thing has been scratching her head so much! We had the hardest time finding a little hat that would fit her head at the BX. All of the hats that they had were meant for newborns, and let's just face the fact that all the girls inherited Steven's huge head! I finally found one that came with a sleeper, onesie, bib, and blanket. Steven also made her wear mittens so that she could scratch any more. Ruby was actually scratching herself bloody. She was not to happy with daddy for those. She holds on to her blanky at night by putting her fingers through the holes. Once she was able to hold her blanky she happily went to sleep. She still has the rash on her arms and you can see what it looks like in the picture to the right. She doesn't scratch at it so I don't think it really bothers her way too much. She is a trooper though :) She talks up a storm and loves the attention. If you look at her and talk to her, she will just smile and smile. She is starting to move up in sizes; she is wearing size 2 diapers now and moving up to 3-6 month clothes. She is starting to use her legs more. She loves to kick and she'll stand when we hold her steady. We are all just so in love with her.
We were at the Turkish Bazaar on base last week, it's in a building like the BX but it has a habdful of Turkish vendors. Their products, so we've been told, are overpriced compared to the prices of base. We have bought a few things there, including the girls' floor pillows. They are all so nice in there and just gush over the girls. One of the girls gave Ruby an evil eye bracelet. The Turkish Evil Eye is meant to protect people and places from evil, like God is watching you and protecting you. She loves the bracelet (it's in the photo above). She'll put her hand up when she sees it. She just too cute!
I will write a post about each of the big girls too! So look out!
- Kristen

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