Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who you gonna call?

-Steven and I have been trying to find movies that we liked when we were little so we can share them with the girls. I think it has been a complete success, ongoing of course (there are so many more we are trying to find). So far they have watched Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Wizard of Oz. They seriously loved these movies! Just watch the video, they just finished watching Ghostbusters and the credits are playing with the theme song. Even Ruby enjoyed the music :) The password for these is dance.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

- Sadie has decided that any clothing item that can twirl when she twirls is called a "wiggle dress, shorts, shirt, skirt". She loves these, as does Lilly, so much that they only want to wear dresses and skirts. The only problem is the fits they trow when they don not have any clean wiggle clothes. It really is cute and I finally got a video of Sadie demonstrating what a "wiggle dress" really is.

Untitled from kristen todd on Vimeo.

These girls are too funny.

-And Miss Ruby has been miserable. She is teething, so far she has gotten 2 in 2 days, her eczema has flared up really bad, and she is super tired. Her skin is so bad that she is constantly trying to scratch it and she has bloodied herself more than once. Luckily we were able to get her in to the pediatrician this morning and her gave her some more Benadryl-like medicine. The only downside is she wants to sleep all day while taking it (one of the side effects), but her sisters don't like to listen and keep their voices down so it has been hard for her. Hopefully she starts to feel better soon.
- The big girls have had random (this might be TMI) boughts of diarrhea lately. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. They don't seem to have stomach aches, more unsettled stomachs, and it is not like it would be if they were really sick. The pediatrician thinks it is just "toddler diarrhea" and that we need to just watch them. So far they are in pretty good moods but still have the tummy issues. Lately we have been just hanging out inside, the weather is warm and nice but with them not feeling 100% I don't want to risk another heat stroke.

We are hoping soon we will all feel 100% and have our passports back so we can FINALLY plan a trip back home. I haven't been in the states since the day I flew out to England and the girls have never been, so this trip is LONG overdue!

Now off to get the girls to bed. The Wizard of Oz is almost over so bed time is very near! Goodnight all!

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