Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Monday, February 1, 2010

Still Sick...

Not only are the girls still sick, i'm sick now too! I hate being sick but what's to expect when you are cooped up in a house for a week with sickies. Other than that everything is pretty good. We are hopefully going to ship my car early next week. We still need to turn off TV/phone/internet and do our housing inspections. There's only about 3 more weeks and we'll finally be out of here. I can't wait to get there, we are desperate for more sunshine and warmer weather! I am praying that we get a house pretty quickly and don't have to stay in billeting for too long. I am ready to move on already and get settled in. Throughout all of this, I have learned I hate moving. I don't mind having to live somewhere else, I hate the physical part of moving all of our things, especially with 3 kids.
Oh! Our air mattress popped! It was so nice and comfy to sleep on, but Sadie threw up in her sleep last night and was choking so Steven jumped on the bed to help me. So we think that is what popped it. I am hoping Steven brings home a new one after work today.
Sadie and Lilly come up with the funniest things to say randomly. It's hilarious.
-Steven came home from work on Friday with the stomach virus the girls have been fighting. Thankfully it didn't last long for him. Sadie was running a fever so I told her I had to take her temperature. She asked where (mouth, armpit, or butt) and I told her the butt because she doesn't hold still long enough for the others and the BX didn't have any ear or forehead thermometers. She gasped and said "But I don't like it in the butt!" The told Steven he needed his temp taken in the butt because he was sick. He said the same thing she did and then told "It's ok, it just tickles."
-Sadie blew her nose and put the dirty tissue back in the box. I told no that's disgusting. Steven told her to throw it away so she turns around, hands him the tissue and says "Here, you do it."
-When we were at church yesterday morning, Sadie kept asking "Is it over yet?" or "Are we done yet?" or "I want to go to the BX, it's just outside." She wasn't quiet about it at all. When we were leaving she stops and says "Hey! Why we leaving?"
-Steven and I got new tattoos yesterday and Sadie keeps asking, "Mom, can I see yous tat?"
-Me and the girls woke this morning and I felt like crap. Sore throat, coughing, and losing my voice. I told them both that they needed to behave for me today because I was sick now. Lilly says, "Mom, if you get diarrhea you need to take medicine. " Thanks Lilly!
-The girls are coloring Peppa Pig pictures and Lilly keeps grunting, "I am sick of this!" I asked her why and she said her markers keeping getting jumbled and not following their pattern in the box. The poor child was having a mini meltdown.
These are some new photos of us. I have been taking a LOT of photos with my new camera! I love it and can't wait to get some new lenses for it!

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