Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Moving Update and Our Silly Girls

Well it's official, we will be leaving England on February 24th as long as we have a passport for Ruby or any other emergency comes up. I'm crossing my fingers hoping everything will go smoothly. We are getting really excited and can't wait to get there. The movers are coming this week to pack up the house, and once that is all done I know a HUGE weight will be lifted off of our shoulders. This week is just going to be crazy! The next big thing will be getting my car shipped, but lucky, thanks to a friend, we will have a car to drive around here until we leave.
Lately the girls have been keeping us on our toes with the way they are acting and what they are saying. We were at the BX last night and Steven bought me a birthday present, a Nikon D40 camera, when Lilly said, "Mom, why are you getting a camera? You already have one at home." We explained that this one was different and it was my birthday and one I really wanted. "OK," she says. "But you can't have anymore, you have enough cameras now." Needless to say, Daddy was behind me cracking up and agreeing with her.
Sadie is 2 years old now and has the biggest attitude ever. Steven asked her to do something the other day and she said "No." He then asked her why not and her response, "Because I said so" and preceded to walk away. No punishment given because Steven was try so hard not to laugh hysterically.
And not to be out shined by the Little Big One, Lilly surprised us again. Steven was in the kitchen while Lilly was eating lunch today. He burped and she says, "Daaaaad! Now what to you say?" Steven says, "I'm sorry, excuse me." To which Lilly responds, "Now what do you say to me for reminding you?" Steven, "Sorry Lilly, thank you for reminding me!"
And just because I am in love with my new camera:

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