Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Monday, February 15, 2010

One Week Left

Well our time here in England is down to a week. It's crazy how fast these 4+ years have come and gone. I can still remember like yesterday the entire ordeal moving here, but this time with 3 kids under 4 I am stressing a whole lot more. Children need a lot of things and it seems crazy trying to fit all of it into luggage. If we were moving back stateside I would say screw it, we can replace everything when we get there, but I have been old that Incirlik is limited in the BX department. I know it will all come together and come Friday, I know I will have another couple of chips off my shoulders.

Tomorrow we are shipping my car. Steven is getting up super early to vacuum and wash it and then it's off to the shipping place. When he is done with all the paper work and everything he'll call me and the kids and I will pick him up. He is going to do some more stuff on base and we have our last WIC appointment tomorrow too. Cleaning the house has not been so bad since all we have to do is basically clean the walls and that is taking less time than anticipated. Hopefully I will be able to knock off all the bedrooms tomorrow and we can move everything downstairs.

Wednesday, I am going to take the girls to story time and maybe the Bob Hope so that they can blow off some steam. They seriously have been super troopers the past few week. First the were horribly sick and then they have an empty house and bored while they're home.

Thursday we have our last shipment of household goods going out. Then we move into billeting. That will be great since I will be done figuring out what to keep in suitcases and what to mail/ship. And we'll have furniture again! Steven and mine's backs will be thanking us! It hasn't been so bad in our house without furniture, but we definitely feel like squatters, ha!

Friday we officially turn the house back over! And then we can relax until we fly out. Hopefully we here some good news about Ruby's passport tomorrow. I don't know if my stress levels and blood pressure can take anymore! I am praying everything continues to go as smoothly as it has been.

We're almost done and I have hope and faith in that it will all turn out well!

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