Lilly Lou, where to start....let's start with her imagination. It has been off the charts lately. She can be so creative and funny that it is incredible just to sit and watch. Lately her favorite character to play is Captain Hook from Peter Pan. It all started with a stick she found in the backyard that we think our gardener left behind. She picked it up, waved it around a little, and then procalaimed in a deep male-like voice, "I am Captain Hook." Then she went to the swingset and started stearing her ship. That's what she is doing in theis picture. One day she was Batman and asked what Steven's name was. He said daddy so she kept asking what it was because she wasn't Lilly his daughter who must call him daddy(not Steven Yates which is her preferred method), but she was Batman and had no idea who he was. She is a little inpatient, but patiently waiting to visit Disney again. She loves to sing and dance and has told us she wants to be onstage and do a show. She doesn't like to miss anything! She has an incredible amount of energy lately that doesn't seem to be going any where.
well hopefully we are still here if you guys come here...but that is to cute..miss ya