Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The One Where I Really Do Have Cancer

So things have been really crazy and hectic around here, and I don't think they are going to slow down any time soon. As soon as we got here we went to the base clinic and scheduled an appointment for me. The doctor referred me to an endocrinologist at Creighton University Hospital. The did another ultrasound and then a biopsy. They came back again as papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Nothing could have prepared me for that, I guess I was just trying to hold out hope that the Turkish doctors I saw were wrong. But they weren't so now we're just trying to move forward and get all the surgery and treatment done. I was then referred to a great head and neck surgeon and Bergan Mercy Hospital in Omaha. He said that I have the most common and highest recovery rate type of cancer. Since I'm young and have no family history of thyroid cancer I have great chance at a full recovery, so a surgery was scheduled. On April 25th, I will have my thyroid removed, then 4-6 weeks after that I will do radioactive iodine treatments and then I'll have to take a pill for the rest of my life. Luckily I'll only be in the hospital for 1 night and the iodine treatments are only pills that I have to take. I am nervous but I'm also optimistic. I'm hoping that the sooner we get all this done, I won't have to worry about it again.  Now the doctor did say that he will take out only as much as he needs to and there is a chance that it could come back in a few years, but again I'm being optimistic. I am really grateful that I was able to be seen so quickly and the insurance company for expediting the approvals.
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Even with all that going on, we really love it here. Our house is much smaller than our house in Turkey but we still like it and we are thinking about buying a house in the next few years. Even if we stay in this house for a few years I'll be happy. I am burnt out on moving. We've moved 6 times in 7 years so I just need a little break.  And our household goods will be here in a week! We are all so excited to have our beds back. This gives me two weeks to unpack before surgery and I'll be happy for the distraction. I'm also sure that Steven will go crazy again and unpack like a maniac. I think our last move he had everything unpacked in a couple of days, that leaves me with the task of finding everything a place in the house which I really don't mind. The worst part is having to wash all the linens, clothes, and kitchen stuff.

I have theory in my mind that once everything is unpacked and placed life will slow down some. I'm hoping I'm right because Lilly's birthday is tomorrow and I have no idea how she is going to be 6 years old?!?! She's getting so big and smart. She is reading a lot, especially in the car. It really trips us up when she reads billboards and store fronts, we're just not used to this. She is way too smart for her own good. Last night we were telling the girls that they had to go to sleep because we had to get up at 5am to take Steven to the airport- he's picking up our car from Illinois and driving it back here. Lilly, without skipping a beat, says,'At least we don't have to wake up at 1 in the morning.' I almost choked. It's just crazy.
Hopefully life will slow down soon because I'm just plain tired. But if you pray, could you just say a little prayer for me. I'm holding out on faith and optimism to get through this crazy journey.  But I do know will get through this a little tougher and stronger.
