This week is what I call 'Hell Week'. At the end of this week our household goods will be packed up and start their long journey to Nebraska and our car will be shipped. ANd I am pretty positive that after this week I won't be so stressed. Speaking of stress, I am doing pretty well. Usually when I'm stressed I end up with body aches and an upset stomach, but I feel in control. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not pregnant and I didn't just give birth. I've been sorting and cleaning every day for the past 3 weeks so I think everything is going pretty smooth. We finally have orders and soon we will be done with our pack out, shipping our vehicle, and done with our housing inspection. So after this week it'll be like a whole load off our shoulders, so say a little prayer that everything goes smoothly :) PCSing and I have a love hate relationship. On one hand I am over the moon excited to get out of this country and on the other I hate that we have to pack up our things and we won't see any of it until about the end of April. I'll be happy as soon as we are all settled in our new house. And, God willing, we'll stay at Offutt AFB for a good long while. I'm not looking forward to the deployments but I am happy that at least we'll be living in the states when they do happen.
With all that said, I've been organizing and cleaning fool. I've made it my mission to not only clean everything in a timely manner, but also get everything organized. When we moved here the movers in England packed everything haphazardly. And when I say haphazardly I mean one spoon wrapped in 4 large sheets of paper and furniture hardware in several boxes labeled with different rooms. We had to tear apart every box to find all the pieces to our bed, it was insane. It also made unpacking difficult especially when things for the living room were packed in boxes with the kids bedroom things. This time I got a LOT of ziploc bags. So many bags that I'm thinking I should buy stock in the ziploc company. I filled them with like things so it wouldn't be mayhem to unpack. Most of the cleaning with take place once the house is empty, but I've been doing the appliances and bathrooms so I'll have a good head start before our final inspection.
And speaking of inspections, Steven's squadron in having right now so he was put back onto night shift. So during the day he runs around to do his outprocessing and clean the outdoor stuff, then he sleeps for a handful of hours, and then goes to work for 12 more hours. Poor thing is exhausted. He does so much for us. We are truly blessed to have him as such a great husband and daddy.
Throughout everything I've made sure to take photos and keep up with my P366 project. In a few years it will be nice to look back on everything and have it all documented. It'll be good for the girls too. They love looking at photos and reminiscing about all the amazing things they've done in their short little lives.
Now here are my P366 photos.
23. Reading books at the library while Daddy checks his work email.
28.Getting in trouble yet again! She's is the #1 trouble maker in our house, hands down.
25. The beginning of my great, big organizational project!
26. Sweet, sleepy Milo Kitty.
27. Lilly's first year of selling Girl Scout cookies. She's an awesome sales girl :)
28. Daddy's her best friend she says.
29. Organizing and cleaning has completely taken over the house.
30. She found my favorite pen, drew all over herself, and then lost the pen. Hours later I discovered she drew all over her belly and sides too. See what I mean, she's a trouble maker!
And this is how I spend my nights. Get the girls ready for bed and everything ready for Lilly to go to school the next morning and then I get a glass of wine and watch so tv. Pretty soon this move will be all over and I'll wonder where the time went. Seriously folks, January is just about gone. Until then I'll try and savor every moment, good or bad. Cheers!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
P366 Catch Up
I haven't flaked out on this project, even though I have posted anything in a week. Moving is crazy folks. We have less than a handful of weeks left here so we are in full PCS mode. We do have a setback though, no orders. Yes folks, we don't we any orders yet. No orders means, no pack out, no shipping the car, and no plane tickets. I'm going nuts not having any sort of official dates. So if you see lots of boxes, laudry, or clutter in these photos, it's because of the move.
This photo I like to call, "Can you find the toddler?"
The BX has been having a big clearance sale. All of the fall/winter clothes are up to 75% off. So with our upcoming move to much colder weather, we stocked up. We got about $344 worth of clothing for $104. Lots of sweaters, long sleeves, and thick leggings were purchased. This is how Ruby and Sadie choose to shop :)
Thursday was my 26th birthday so the hubby and kiddos took me out for dinner at the club here. We had a lot of fun and a pretty good meal too.
I took a break from the moving madness and played one of my b-day presents, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. I ♥ Lego games!
Ruby goofing around with the stickers that were on our tough boxes.
The girls being their normal silly selves! They're such stinkers :)
Okay, now I'm all caught up for now. I may be do all of the P366 posts like this from now on. It's so much easier than trying to post them everyday!
This photo I like to call, "Can you find the toddler?"
The BX has been having a big clearance sale. All of the fall/winter clothes are up to 75% off. So with our upcoming move to much colder weather, we stocked up. We got about $344 worth of clothing for $104. Lots of sweaters, long sleeves, and thick leggings were purchased. This is how Ruby and Sadie choose to shop :)
Thursday was my 26th birthday so the hubby and kiddos took me out for dinner at the club here. We had a lot of fun and a pretty good meal too.
I took a break from the moving madness and played one of my b-day presents, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. I ♥ Lego games!
Ruby goofing around with the stickers that were on our tough boxes.
The girls being their normal silly selves! They're such stinkers :)
Okay, now I'm all caught up for now. I may be do all of the P366 posts like this from now on. It's so much easier than trying to post them everyday!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
They're Here!
We got our new furniture yesterday and we are thrilled! Lilly is in love with her bed. It was everything she wanted and asked for. She kept saying, "I just can't stop smiling!".
Since we're in Turkey, finding a twin sized mattress at decent price is nearly impossible. Turkish mattresses are firm, very uncomfortably firm. Our mattress is Turkish and at $300 for a king size was very affordable, but I hate it. I got a memory foam mattress topper for Christmas and it makes it loads more comfy, but still not as comfy as I want it to be. Knowing that, we didn't want a Turkish one for her. We could have found a used one, but that really just creeps the germophobe in me out so that was out of the question. Then we moved onto the base exchange, BX- whick is like a horrible version of Walmart for the base. They have very few mattresses there, but there are a few different twin sized ones. When I saw how much they were, I nearly had a heart attack. The two they had were priced at $600 and $700. That my friends, is way too much for me to spend on a twin sized mattress. So until we're back in the states, Sadie-Mae so graciously offered her mattress up. She said she would just sleep with Ruby for now. As soon as we get to Nebraska we'll get Lilly a new mattress.
And we also have plans to spruce up Sadie and Ruby's beds. We are going to paint them, but the color is still unknown. For now Sadie keeps saying dark pink and Ruby keeps saying blue. I think they'll change their minds at least a few times, but I think we all will have a better idea once we see some paint samples.
And now onto the bar. They have some pretty elaborate bars here. They would be really cool to have, but really they aren't very practical for us. After looking around at a few different furniture stores, Steven found what he was looking for while Lilly and I were looking at beds. It can hold wine bottles, liquor bottles, glasses and a drawer for cork screws and any other miscellaneous drink needs. On the top of it is a slab of marble so you can use it to cut limes and what not. Unfortunately it won't be really be used until it arrives at Offutt. It can hold 16 bottles of wine so I'll start sampling and collecting wines until it gets there :) I'm also toked that it will be able to hold my wine glasses so it will free up some cabinet space. I will really miss being able to bring a photo of a piece of furniture I want and have it made for me.
Another place I will really miss is Pops Leather. It's a leather shop that makes coats, hats, bags, purses, wallets, belts, holsters, and more. Steven goes for the holsters. I go for all the designer purses they make. They may be knock offs, but they are good knock offs made with leather. They are great bags and I'll miss going there. Luckily I have a husband who spoils me. He told he wanted me to 'stock up' on these bags before we leave, so he bought me two and told me we'll make one more trip there before we leave. They have Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and Coach. They also make custom things. I think this place has spoiled on bags too. I don't know if I will want to buy a bag in the states again.
Anyways I got an Louis Vuitton and a Gucci person this time and I love them. I'm using the Gucci one right now and am loving it.
Who would of thought that I would actually miss some things here? I'm so excited about getting out that I overlooked the fact that there were some things I really liked. I would take living in the States over Turkey any day, but I'm grateful that we got to experience this.
Since we're in Turkey, finding a twin sized mattress at decent price is nearly impossible. Turkish mattresses are firm, very uncomfortably firm. Our mattress is Turkish and at $300 for a king size was very affordable, but I hate it. I got a memory foam mattress topper for Christmas and it makes it loads more comfy, but still not as comfy as I want it to be. Knowing that, we didn't want a Turkish one for her. We could have found a used one, but that really just creeps the germophobe in me out so that was out of the question. Then we moved onto the base exchange, BX- whick is like a horrible version of Walmart for the base. They have very few mattresses there, but there are a few different twin sized ones. When I saw how much they were, I nearly had a heart attack. The two they had were priced at $600 and $700. That my friends, is way too much for me to spend on a twin sized mattress. So until we're back in the states, Sadie-Mae so graciously offered her mattress up. She said she would just sleep with Ruby for now. As soon as we get to Nebraska we'll get Lilly a new mattress.
And we also have plans to spruce up Sadie and Ruby's beds. We are going to paint them, but the color is still unknown. For now Sadie keeps saying dark pink and Ruby keeps saying blue. I think they'll change their minds at least a few times, but I think we all will have a better idea once we see some paint samples.
And now onto the bar. They have some pretty elaborate bars here. They would be really cool to have, but really they aren't very practical for us. After looking around at a few different furniture stores, Steven found what he was looking for while Lilly and I were looking at beds. It can hold wine bottles, liquor bottles, glasses and a drawer for cork screws and any other miscellaneous drink needs. On the top of it is a slab of marble so you can use it to cut limes and what not. Unfortunately it won't be really be used until it arrives at Offutt. It can hold 16 bottles of wine so I'll start sampling and collecting wines until it gets there :) I'm also toked that it will be able to hold my wine glasses so it will free up some cabinet space. I will really miss being able to bring a photo of a piece of furniture I want and have it made for me.
Another place I will really miss is Pops Leather. It's a leather shop that makes coats, hats, bags, purses, wallets, belts, holsters, and more. Steven goes for the holsters. I go for all the designer purses they make. They may be knock offs, but they are good knock offs made with leather. They are great bags and I'll miss going there. Luckily I have a husband who spoils me. He told he wanted me to 'stock up' on these bags before we leave, so he bought me two and told me we'll make one more trip there before we leave. They have Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and Coach. They also make custom things. I think this place has spoiled on bags too. I don't know if I will want to buy a bag in the states again.
Anyways I got an Louis Vuitton and a Gucci person this time and I love them. I'm using the Gucci one right now and am loving it.
Who would of thought that I would actually miss some things here? I'm so excited about getting out that I overlooked the fact that there were some things I really liked. I would take living in the States over Turkey any day, but I'm grateful that we got to experience this.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I was doing so well...
I was keeping up with the photo taking everyday, and then yesterday happened! The kids were extra cranky and Ruby took a nap. I know you're thinking how could that be bad? Well if anyone of the kids take even a 5 minute nap during the day, they are up all night. I kid you not, she was up until after 10 bouncing all over my bed. I finally just let her have my ipod and she finally sat still.
She keeps talking about when we get back in the states she wants to eat a lot of Chinese food. She talks about it everyday. "Momma, you like Chinese food? Me like Chinese food, yummy in belly." She just kept talking about this over and over again last night. When she finally fell asleep it was a huge relief, I was so tired. And since I have the sweetest hubby there is, when he came home this morning and let me and Ruby sleep in . He brought Lilly and Sadie downstairs, fed them, and kept them quiet. It was so nice not waking up to Lilly and Sadie fighting that the other one is in their room.
So I'm sorry there's no photo for yesterday but there is a photo a can share in place of yesterday's. Lilly is doing awesome with reading and writing. She's about to master sounding words out, whether it's to read the word or to spell the word. She asked me how to spell tree, so without thinking I just told her. Then she asked how to spell loving, so I helped her sound it out. A few minutes later she showed me her notebook and this what it looked like:
It says, 'The tree is loving. I am loving." And I had no idea that this was what she was doing, let alone writing sentences.
And this is what Ruby looked like last night, except that she was in my bed. She didn't even care if she got the questions right. After about an hour she handed me the ipod and said she was going to sleep.
This morning she was showing her sisters how she played the game.
Hopefully I'll remember from now on, but I'm pretty disappointed about missing yesterday. We have a lot going on in the weeks to come, so i really want to document it all :)
She keeps talking about when we get back in the states she wants to eat a lot of Chinese food. She talks about it everyday. "Momma, you like Chinese food? Me like Chinese food, yummy in belly." She just kept talking about this over and over again last night. When she finally fell asleep it was a huge relief, I was so tired. And since I have the sweetest hubby there is, when he came home this morning and let me and Ruby sleep in . He brought Lilly and Sadie downstairs, fed them, and kept them quiet. It was so nice not waking up to Lilly and Sadie fighting that the other one is in their room.
So I'm sorry there's no photo for yesterday but there is a photo a can share in place of yesterday's. Lilly is doing awesome with reading and writing. She's about to master sounding words out, whether it's to read the word or to spell the word. She asked me how to spell tree, so without thinking I just told her. Then she asked how to spell loving, so I helped her sound it out. A few minutes later she showed me her notebook and this what it looked like:
It says, 'The tree is loving. I am loving." And I had no idea that this was what she was doing, let alone writing sentences.
And this is what Ruby looked like last night, except that she was in my bed. She didn't even care if she got the questions right. After about an hour she handed me the ipod and said she was going to sleep.
This morning she was showing her sisters how she played the game.
Hopefully I'll remember from now on, but I'm pretty disappointed about missing yesterday. We have a lot going on in the weeks to come, so i really want to document it all :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Is it time to move yet?
There is one thing I will completely not miss about this, suspicious packages. It seriously feels like there is one a week, whether it's a suspicious package some where on base or a bomb sniffing dog signaling. There is nothing like being brave enough to take 3 kids to the commissary- aka grocery store- and being 3 items away from being done when a Kevlar covered SP- aka AF cop- tells you to 'take your kids and run out the back this isn't an exercise, it's the real deal.'
One rather expensive trip to Starbucks and an hour later we were given the all clear and I was able to go finish shopping. Oh, and a big thanks to the Hubs for waking up and coming down to help me pacify 3 antsy kids. I've never wanted to live on a small piece of land in the middle of nowhere than I do right now. One day, a girl can dream :) Until then, I'm grateful that we were on base with highly trained Airmen, otherwise I probably would have had a heartache!
And today's P366, Sadie-Mae and Sophie. This is a pretty important photo, solely for the fact Sadie-Mae really doesn't like to be touched. As you can see Sadie clearly loved the kisses!
With our impending move back to the States, we've been thinking about everything we've seen and did in these past 6 years. We've gotten to see England, France, and Turkey, and that's not including everywhere that Steven has been to with the USAF.
When we moved to England in 2005, we were young, just married, and expecting our oldest daughter. It was a lot of change and we under appreciated where we lived. All of our children were born there and it was just hard to really experience all the history England had. We really enjoyed where we lived and loved everything it had to offer our kids. Being a military child, life is never normal but we made some sense of it there.
In February 2010 we moved to Turkey. We've seen a lot reasons why America is so great here. The country is mostly Muslim and we live in a very run down area. While we hear that Istanbul is very European feeling, that's not the case here. This place has made us appreciate all the freedoms we have in America and the ease of being able get the things you need whenever you need it. We are grateful for the opportunities we've had overseas but we are ready for our girls to know what America is really like, not just what it's like when we are on vacation.
I'm also looking forward to everyone speaking English, especially in a medical setting. I have thyroiditis which the doctors here believe has become thyroid cancer. It will be unbelievably better speaking with doctors without a language barrier and translator.
Right now we are waiting on orders and in a few short weeks we will be ready and on our way out of here. We know this probably won't be the last time we move, but we're hoping to stay there for a few years. Maybe one day we'll be living overseas again, but for now we'll rejoice in the fact that soon we'll be living in Nebraska.
When we moved to England in 2005, we were young, just married, and expecting our oldest daughter. It was a lot of change and we under appreciated where we lived. All of our children were born there and it was just hard to really experience all the history England had. We really enjoyed where we lived and loved everything it had to offer our kids. Being a military child, life is never normal but we made some sense of it there.
In February 2010 we moved to Turkey. We've seen a lot reasons why America is so great here. The country is mostly Muslim and we live in a very run down area. While we hear that Istanbul is very European feeling, that's not the case here. This place has made us appreciate all the freedoms we have in America and the ease of being able get the things you need whenever you need it. We are grateful for the opportunities we've had overseas but we are ready for our girls to know what America is really like, not just what it's like when we are on vacation.
The girls used to think the mosques here were castles. Sadie actually thought we'd moved to Disney World, ha!
Right now we are waiting on orders and in a few short weeks we will be ready and on our way out of here. We know this probably won't be the last time we move, but we're hoping to stay there for a few years. Maybe one day we'll be living overseas again, but for now we'll rejoice in the fact that soon we'll be living in Nebraska.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Kids Say(&Do) the Darnedest Things!
I need to write these down before I forget. So here they are in all their bullet style glory!
At the doctor's office for their 2 and 4-year checkups. And that's my teddy bear from when I was little. Ruby has been carrying her around a lot lately.
And today we had another lovely power outage. I will sure miss all these blackouts we have here <---- Insert scarasm here! No power means more reading time for me :)
- It's no secret that Ruby is an extreme klutz and accident prone. She is 2 years old, covered with bruises and scrapes, and has 3, yes 3, chipped teeth. She has gotten so used to it that whenever she bonks her head she tells us to go get the flashlight so we can check her pupils. Every time, in between small sobs, she yells, 'Get the fwashwight!'
- Ruby also has a slight obsession with diaper rash cream and baby powder. Every time we change her diaper she asks for 'diapy cweam and baby powdy'. She usually gets a peeved when we tell her no she doesn't need it. She took matters into her own hands and grabbed handfuls of her applesauce and smeared it all over her diaper. She then told me it's okay it's just diapy cwream.
- I was making pancit the other night and I left the bottle of adobo seasoning on the counter so I could add more along the way. She grabbed when I was looking and sprinkled it onto her hand and then licked it off. And then asked for more. Yuck!
- I went upstairs to grab a laundry basket and when I came back down she had an opened packet of jello mix and red staining all over her hands and mouth. She really doesn't doesn't have any boundaries. Everything is fair game with her.
- I asked Lilly to go up to my bedroom and get Ruby some pajamas out of the laundry basket. She went up, was up there for a long while, and then came back down without a shirt, just pants. She said she couldn't find it, even though I had just folded and put it in there. She went up again and came back down without the shirt, but with something in her mouth. I asked her what it was, she said nothing. I held out my hand because I wanted to know that it wasn't something that could hurt her. She then started to spit one jellybean after another into my hand, one by one. She wasn't up there for looking the shirt, she was up their eating the jellybeans Steven had on his night stand.
- Sadie is a character. She is so unique and knows what she likes and doesn't care what other people think. She was sitting with Sophie on the couch the other day when she started to sing Guns N Roses 'Sweet Child of Mine'. She was just sitting there petting the dog and singing to her.
- Sadie was eating her breakfast of dry cereal one morning. I noticed her voice, so I stopped what I was doing to listen. She was naming each Fruit Loop and different character from The Big Bang Theory.
- Since we're moving soon, we've been measuring furniture to see how much space we need for each room. It's something to do with our very over sized custom bedroom set that we had made. We didn't really think too much on how big everything would be until it was in our bedroom, whoops! Anyways, Ruby found a measuring tape and measured some bookcases for herself, declaring they were "80 lbs. long'.
- Yogurt is something everyone in our house likes, especially if it's the real Greek yogurt we get from the commissary. Steven woke up one afternoon and grabbed a yogurt for his breakfast and 3 little girls quickly made their way to him for a bite. Ruby took a bite, smiled, and said "My mouth is happy now!"
- Only our girls could take a whole Saturday to play "Moving to Nebraska". Take a lunch break from it to have a tea party. And then play "We're sick in the hotel room".
- I sent Lilly and Sadie upstairs one night to get their pajamas on. Lilly yelled down that she found a bug, so I asked what kind. To which she replied, "I didn't go to no insect school! I don't know what kind of bug it was!"
- I gave Sadie the rest of my water bottle. She drank it all and said, "That was some goooooood water. I drank it all!" While she was playing with the empty bottle she kept dropping it so I told her to quit. She said, "It's not me, it's the freakin' water bottle." My jaw dropped straight to the floor.
And to catch up on my P366, here's yesterday and today's photos.
At the doctor's office for their 2 and 4-year checkups. And that's my teddy bear from when I was little. Ruby has been carrying her around a lot lately.
And today we had another lovely power outage. I will sure miss all these blackouts we have here <---- Insert scarasm here! No power means more reading time for me :)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Rain, Rain Go Away?
I love the rain. And I am so happy that the sun decided to take a day off. But man, I wish this rain would let just for a few minutes today. It's rainy, cold, and windy. Those words are not really uttered when you think about this part of Turkey. It just goes to show us that we'll need to be a warmer wardrobe collection once we get to my mom's house in Pennsylvania.
I wanted to make sure I posted yesterday and today's photos for my Project 365, er Project 366 since it's a leap year this year.
My dog sleeps in the funniest positions. She usually does it at night, but today she must have been extra tired. Silly Sophie dog!
And today we had two dentist appointments. First up was Lilly. While in the process of getting a loose tooth out, we found what we thought was a cavity. Turns out where we thought one was, wasn't, but she did have one on the other side. It's small but we need to get it filled as soon as we get to Offutt. I asked if she thought it would be better to see a dentist now about- an off base, Turkish civilian dentist- but she said she'd rather us wait until we're in the states. Apparently the Turkish view on kids with cavities is to just pull the tooth out instead of filling it. I'd much rather - and Steven too- her have it filled and not pulled. Ruby was the next appointment. The child has 3 chipped teeth. I kid you not! Three. She leads with her head just like her daddy :) We've noticed that one of her chipped teeth had started to discolor. We were worried that she may have damaged the nerves, but she's fine. The dentist said she just 'bruised the inside of her tooth'. She'll be fine but the tooth will stay that color until it falls out in a few years. Ruby did so much better that I thought she was going to. She even let them take an x-ray. She was much quieter than she normally is, but she was so calm and well behaved. I am so relieved that their appointments went so well. I was ball of nerves thinking it would be worse than it was.
I wanted to make sure I posted yesterday and today's photos for my Project 365, er Project 366 since it's a leap year this year.
My dog sleeps in the funniest positions. She usually does it at night, but today she must have been extra tired. Silly Sophie dog!
And today we had two dentist appointments. First up was Lilly. While in the process of getting a loose tooth out, we found what we thought was a cavity. Turns out where we thought one was, wasn't, but she did have one on the other side. It's small but we need to get it filled as soon as we get to Offutt. I asked if she thought it would be better to see a dentist now about- an off base, Turkish civilian dentist- but she said she'd rather us wait until we're in the states. Apparently the Turkish view on kids with cavities is to just pull the tooth out instead of filling it. I'd much rather - and Steven too- her have it filled and not pulled. Ruby was the next appointment. The child has 3 chipped teeth. I kid you not! Three. She leads with her head just like her daddy :) We've noticed that one of her chipped teeth had started to discolor. We were worried that she may have damaged the nerves, but she's fine. The dentist said she just 'bruised the inside of her tooth'. She'll be fine but the tooth will stay that color until it falls out in a few years. Ruby did so much better that I thought she was going to. She even let them take an x-ray. She was much quieter than she normally is, but she was so calm and well behaved. I am so relieved that their appointments went so well. I was ball of nerves thinking it would be worse than it was.
Monday, January 9, 2012
i ♥ faces
With 2011 ending, I ♥ Faces is doing a Best Face of 2011 challenge. I've taken so many photos this past year that I can't even count, and I wouldn't want to simply because I know it would take a long time. I've many photos that I love, but I keep coming back to this one of Sadie-Mae. Everything about it is just so Sadie and that genuine smile doesn't come out much for photos. This is definitely my favorite photo of the year. And here's to all the future favorites of 2012. There's a lot of big things happening this year, some good- our move back to the States!- and some not so good- thyroid cancer surgery. But I plan to document it all!
My babies....
aren't really babies anymore. As excited and happy as I am that they can play together, I am just as sad at how big they are. It seems like the past 7 years have been a blur. With Ruby and Sadie's birthday passing, I'm reminded that Lilly's is less than 3 months away. She'll be 6 and I'm not sure I can handle that!
They were playing together when Lilly asked if they could play a board game together. But Ruby is still too young to play most of them and she often throws things when she gets mad, so I told sorry but no. Then Ruby pointed up there too and asked for the tea party stuff. We found this set at Walmart for only $5 over the summer. Unfortunately it's made of porcelain and easily breakable, so we bought two sets. And you know what one of the first things Ruby did? She got made a Lilly and threw a cup and broke. For awhile though, they played together well, without fighting. It's always nice when that happens :)
They were playing together when Lilly asked if they could play a board game together. But Ruby is still too young to play most of them and she often throws things when she gets mad, so I told sorry but no. Then Ruby pointed up there too and asked for the tea party stuff. We found this set at Walmart for only $5 over the summer. Unfortunately it's made of porcelain and easily breakable, so we bought two sets. And you know what one of the first things Ruby did? She got made a Lilly and threw a cup and broke. For awhile though, they played together well, without fighting. It's always nice when that happens :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Reading Time
Lilly's biggest school dream was to learn how to read. Here we are half way through kindergarten and she is learning new words everyday. As part of her homework during the first semester was to read these short, one sentence per page stories. She has accumulated quite a few of them so far so I've been trying to encourage her to read them during the day instead of taking one of the shelf to look at the pictures. I also thought they would be great for her to read at night before she goes to bed. Most nights, after she gets tucked in, we left her read for up to 30 minutes with a small light. She loves it and we love the fact she doesn't come to our room every 5 minutes instead.
This morning I was trying to find as many as I could so that she could take them upstairs, she decided she wanted to read one. Ruby jumped at the oppurtunity to listen to a story. These two spent awhile sitting together and reading. And not yelling, fighting, whining, or crying either! It was bliss :)
I swear I took this photo this morning, but it was so rainy and cloudy that it looked like it was the evening!
This morning I was trying to find as many as I could so that she could take them upstairs, she decided she wanted to read one. Ruby jumped at the oppurtunity to listen to a story. These two spent awhile sitting together and reading. And not yelling, fighting, whining, or crying either! It was bliss :)
I swear I took this photo this morning, but it was so rainy and cloudy that it looked like it was the evening!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Poor Sadie-Mae
We took Sadie and Ruby to get their annual shots yesterday so that Steven could be with us and give me an extra hand. Their appointment is on Wednesday and I'll be taking them by myself because Steven has to work. Somehow Ruby lucked out and didn't need any, but Sadie needed 3. Poor thing didn't even know it was coming. She kept asking who was getting the shot, but didn't know until we walked into the room. That's when she started panicking.
She sat on my lap and I held her down while the injected her in the legs. I kept telling her that she'd be fine when it was done. After she just kept saying 'ouchies ouchies' and then said she couldn't walk. We told her that walking would make it feel better so started walking. After a few minutes she felt fine again. But when we got home, she tripped on one of Daddy's shoes and caught the corner of the coffee table in her rib cage. She iced it for a little but and just tried to relax for the rest of the night. She rarely hurts herself like this so she was pretty upset.
Steven started night shift again so as soon as he left for work, we watched 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' in my bed. They all just needed to relax a little bit. After the movie it was straight to bed and not one of the complained. Even Lilly who usually comes back to my room every 5 minutes for one thing or another in a grand effort to delay/postpone bedtime. Even I went to bed early. I caught a stomach virus that was going around base and was down and out for a few days. Thankfully the hubby was home and took care of everything, including me. So this weekend we are just going to take it easy and start getting the house ready because we are out of here in a few short weeks!!
She sat on my lap and I held her down while the injected her in the legs. I kept telling her that she'd be fine when it was done. After she just kept saying 'ouchies ouchies' and then said she couldn't walk. We told her that walking would make it feel better so started walking. After a few minutes she felt fine again. But when we got home, she tripped on one of Daddy's shoes and caught the corner of the coffee table in her rib cage. She iced it for a little but and just tried to relax for the rest of the night. She rarely hurts herself like this so she was pretty upset.
Steven started night shift again so as soon as he left for work, we watched 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' in my bed. They all just needed to relax a little bit. After the movie it was straight to bed and not one of the complained. Even Lilly who usually comes back to my room every 5 minutes for one thing or another in a grand effort to delay/postpone bedtime. Even I went to bed early. I caught a stomach virus that was going around base and was down and out for a few days. Thankfully the hubby was home and took care of everything, including me. So this weekend we are just going to take it easy and start getting the house ready because we are out of here in a few short weeks!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I was supposed to be in Germany this day, but instead I have been at home battling some sort of flu. It started out like a stomach flu and then transformed into a full on migraine, complete with body aches all over. It's been a rough few days of feeling like poo and having guilt over missing this appointment. Thankfully the doctor I was supposed to see called to see why I hadn't made it up there. She was very calm and understanding. I asked if we could wait for the biopsy and surgery to be done in Nebraska instead of Turkey or Germany. She assured me that it would be fine if we waited because it would be a month before I would have the surgery at all.
We have so much going on right now that I don't think I could handle everything at once. We leave here in a bout 6 weeks. We don't have orders yet so we haven't been able to really do much, even though we've been preparing the house to be packed up. We have also seen some of Lilly's anxiety come out, so we need to tread carefully and patiently. Steven also has an inspection at work this month so we won't be seeing way to much of him in the next couple of weeks.
With all this going on, we've been trying to relax as much as possible. Sadie's request? Can we play video games? So yes, we've played video games and watched some movies. It's how we relax and have a little fun. And today's picture show you exactly how happy and goofy Sadie was over it all. She's crazy and goofy, but incredibly smart and beautiful :)
We have so much going on right now that I don't think I could handle everything at once. We leave here in a bout 6 weeks. We don't have orders yet so we haven't been able to really do much, even though we've been preparing the house to be packed up. We have also seen some of Lilly's anxiety come out, so we need to tread carefully and patiently. Steven also has an inspection at work this month so we won't be seeing way to much of him in the next couple of weeks.
With all this going on, we've been trying to relax as much as possible. Sadie's request? Can we play video games? So yes, we've played video games and watched some movies. It's how we relax and have a little fun. And today's picture show you exactly how happy and goofy Sadie was over it all. She's crazy and goofy, but incredibly smart and beautiful :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Day 4 and More Furniture!
We have talked for a few months now about getting the girls new beds. We debated about the beds we already had and the ridiculously cool bunk beds they have here. Seriously they have a set of stairs up to the top bunk instead of a ladder! But our kids were blessed with their Daddy's balance, well lack of, and their Momma's klutziness. They were practically born with hazard stickers. We would have loved to be able to get them some bunk beds but with our luck they'd wind up with a broken limb. We ultimately decided that our old queen sized bed we wanted to be a guest bed, because we love when family and friends come to visit ;). That bed is also what Lilly is using right now, so she is getting a new bed. Sadie and Ruby's beds are going to be painted and spruced up as soon as they get to Offutt AFB, Nebraska. After going to a few furniture stores in the Alley, we decided to go with Aydin's. Aydin is actually the uncle of Sunny, who we had make our bedroom set. Lilly and I looked at a lot of different styled beds and finally decided the features she wanted. I have nothing to show you of it because it will be a custom design, but it will have a couple of shelves on the headboard. She likes to read at night. It will be pink. And she wanted her name carved into it, but I know in 10 years, she'll wish she hadn't picked that. So instead it will have a lily flower carved onto it. She is beyond excited, but we also got to see a bit of her anxiety about moving come out. She started getting upset because she thought it wouldn't be ready before we get packed out, but it will.
Steven also found a bar. They have huge, extravagant bars for your home here. We didn't want that, but Steven did want a small bar. He finally found one he liked and it will be ready soon too. It will also feature a lock on it so curious kiddos or teenagers can't get into it. Once everything is made I'll post some photos.
These are photos, from my iPod, of Ruby. She choose the hat to wear and insisted on bringing Elmo. And 2 minutes after these were taken, she was out like a light!
Steven also found a bar. They have huge, extravagant bars for your home here. We didn't want that, but Steven did want a small bar. He finally found one he liked and it will be ready soon too. It will also feature a lock on it so curious kiddos or teenagers can't get into it. Once everything is made I'll post some photos.
These are photos, from my iPod, of Ruby. She choose the hat to wear and insisted on bringing Elmo. And 2 minutes after these were taken, she was out like a light!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 3
Lilly is back at school this week, much to our dismay. We really love having Lilly home with us during the day. Sadie was especially upset but made darn sure she got her hug and kiss before she left. And yes, Lilly has to hug, kiss, and say goodbye to each of her sisters and do the same when they are reunited again. This is mostly their doing, and often times when it gets overlooked, rushed, or forgotten many tears are shed.
They were so excited for Lilly to get home from school this day. They sat with her and listened to Lilly read a story for her homework and then even drew pictures of the story like Lilly had to do and return to school. They all sat around the coffee table and drew/colored along with her. Lilly is definitely the artist in the family, Sadie and Ruby were done coloring after just a few minutes. They get so bored with coloring for some reason, but Lilly could actually draw and color all day long if allowed.
They are all looking forward to Lilly having a 3 day school week next week due to base-wide power outages. Yet another joy of living in Turkey. I will not miss this at all :)
And yes, Sadie is left handed!
They were so excited for Lilly to get home from school this day. They sat with her and listened to Lilly read a story for her homework and then even drew pictures of the story like Lilly had to do and return to school. They all sat around the coffee table and drew/colored along with her. Lilly is definitely the artist in the family, Sadie and Ruby were done coloring after just a few minutes. They get so bored with coloring for some reason, but Lilly could actually draw and color all day long if allowed.
They are all looking forward to Lilly having a 3 day school week next week due to base-wide power outages. Yet another joy of living in Turkey. I will not miss this at all :)
And yes, Sadie is left handed!
Monday, January 2, 2012
P365- Day 2
Since we are getting ready to move in a short few weeks, we've been trying to tie up a few loose ends. Yesterday we went out into the Alley to make one of our last payments on our bedroom furniture. While we were out there we decided to drive around a little and see if we could try to find someplace to detail our car. Once we get to Nebraska, I'm going to get a new car, well new to me, so we are going to trade the Blazer in or sell it. Either way we want it in the best condition we can get it in. These two photos are of the area we live in. They are right outside the gate when you leave the base. And just an FYI, the base doesn't look like this, only off base.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Project 365
I have wanted to do a P365 for a long time now, but being my neurotic self I couldn't possibly start one on just any day of the year. It had to be January 1st. It's a pretty simple project. All you have to do is take one photo a day, everyday for a year. See, simple. I'm hoping that this will help with my 'lack of motivation' problem. I've definitely noticed that my photography and blogging has seriously lacked in all aspects. I know how fast these kiddos are growing. I love being able to look back and see how far they've come and how big they are. So hopefully this will remind me that no matter what mood I'm in that I need to take at least one photo a day.
Ruby is constantly getting into things she shouldn't. Today she was into our massive collection of movies and found 'Happy Feet'. Lilly loved this movie when she was teeny tiny, and she still does today. So after a lot of 'Pease mommy, pease mommy?'s and pouting I caved and put it for her. She loved it and danced through a lot of it. Overall it was a success. It kept the kiddos occupied for long enough that Mommy didn't lose her marbles :)
Ruby is constantly getting into things she shouldn't. Today she was into our massive collection of movies and found 'Happy Feet'. Lilly loved this movie when she was teeny tiny, and she still does today. So after a lot of 'Pease mommy, pease mommy?'s and pouting I caved and put it for her. She loved it and danced through a lot of it. Overall it was a success. It kept the kiddos occupied for long enough that Mommy didn't lose her marbles :)
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