We also had Lilly's 4th week of golf lessons. And since Steven was playing golf, the girls and I got to go too. We had rain clouds and wind all morning so we weren't sure if we'd still have it, but the weather started turning as soon as we got there. There was still a lot of wind but it started to warm up as soon as the sun came out. Sadie was a little bored but managed to keep herself entertained using my iPod camera. Ruby was very annoyed that she had to sit in the stroller and I wouldn't let her out.
Lilly did really well. I could tell it was hard to get any good hits on the driving range, mostly because the golf club she was using was too small for her and the next size up was way to big for her. But when she got to the putting, she was a pro. She did so good and kept moving the ball further and further away from the hole. No matter how far away she was from the hole, she just kept sinking the putts.
Her next lesson won't be for a few weeks, but they are going to go out on the course and play few holes and drive golf carts. She loves the golf carts!
After her lesson we noticed how great the sun looked on the mountains so we stopped to take some photos. And then we headed to Starbucks to get a much needed hot chocolate for Sadie and Lilly and a peppermint mocha for me :) I ♥ Peppermint Mocha!