Steven and I are both fascinated with history, and Steven has always loved learning about the Civil War. So when we decided to spend the summer in the states, we knew we should go to Gettysburg. The drive there was nice and the scenery was beautiful. Unfortunately we left later in the day we had planned so we didn't get to do everything or see everything that we wanted. We did notice that they are gearing up for the 150th anniversary of the 3 day battle so we decided we need to get back there for that. So here's to hoping that that actually happens!
One of the great things about Gettysburg is the auto tour of the battlefields. There's a map and signs pointing out the route and it was very easy to follow. There are monuments all along the way. We stopped at a lot of them but it was obvious that we couldn't stop at every single one, we just didn't have that much time left in the day. We did make sure we stopped at the Texas monument and the Robert E. Lee monument.
The photo in the bottom left corner is from the big observation tower. I got up maybe 2 flights of stairs and chickened out. Steven made sure to take lots of photos for me. This was a map that was up there and pointed out the directions of several important places in Gettysburg, like Little Round Top.
And I made sure I took lots of photos of the cannons for Papop!
Here's Ruby modeling one of the cannons for Papop!
The pointed monument is the Massachusetts monument. Oh and if your wondering if our kids think they're Texans or New Englanders, they're English! They'll tell you they're from England, ha!
The guy on a horse is Robert E. Lee and the next photos are from the Lee monument. One interesting tid bit- they actually had to put up a sign there that said do not deface the Lee monument. Steven was worried that the girls couldn't go near it, but I assured them that they were just going up to take a photo there.
This is all three girls on the rock wall of Seminary Ridge.
The cannon is also from Seminary Ridge and I didn't get what the other monument was. We just drove slow by it so that I could get a picture.
The one on the left is the Texas monument and the one on the right is the Louisiana monument.
Here's a closer picture of the Texas one.
And just because I love this one of Ruby!
One more funny tidbit- We were in my parent's basement looking for some dolls. My dad found a print of Abraham Lincoln and asked the girls if they knew who it was. Lilly says, "Ben Gates?", from National Treasure! So when we were walking around Gettysburg he kept asking the girls who all the photos of Lincoln were. Thanks to that day, the girls now know who Lincoln is and what he looks like.
We really had a good time and can't wait to go back. And hopefully with Memaw, Papop, and Shelby!