I know I'm way behind on updating here, but life has been crazy hectic these days. We are now at my Mom's house in Pennsylvania. Along with being very jet lagged, we are now sick too. It has been one crazy thing after another. It started when the alarm went off the morning we left. On our way out the door, Sophie decided to run down the street. Steven went after her and we waited what seemed like forever. Once we got to the terminal we waited even longer. Steven was on a time crunch because he had to be at work that morning so when we said "see you later" we didn't even know if we had seats on the plane. Once we were on the plane I calmed down a lot.
My sister and her boyfriend picked us up in Baltimore and we stayed at her house that night in Delaware. The girls were up around 2am EST and I got them to stay quiet until about 5:30. The sunrise was beautiful and we were all up and dressed so I thought we'd go outside and take some photos because 1) I can't see myself ever getting up and doing a photo shoot at sunrise when I could keep sleeping and 2) I thought it would be best in order to not wake up Cindy and Mike. Needless to say, my plan back fired. We were outside for 5 minutes and Sadie says she needs to go potty. We get to the door and it's still locked. So we had to wake them up anyways.
When we got to Yiayia and Papou's house the girls were so cranky.
Then one night my sister Gabbie wakes up to use the bathroom and it's flooded. Turns out Lilly pulled the stopper in the sink and left the faucet dripping. Water was leaking through lights in the kitchen. Looking back, it's funny now, but at the time it was a huge mess.
Then Ruby wakes up throwing up and with a fever. Yay! Now I'm jet lagged with a sick, cranky, tired baby. She told me her mouth was hurting so Gabbie and I attempt to look at it and we didn't see the all of it nut we did see a big white spot. That's when I decide it's time to take her to the ER. Since we are just visiting here, our only medical option is the ER. It turns out the Ruby has strep throat. It was a pretty quick visit but on our way out of the parking lot, Gabbie calls and says Sadie is sick. Since I hadn't seen her I was hoping it was just Sadie's paranoia, but it wasn't. So the next day I take Sadie to the ER. We were able to see the same doctor as the night before so she was nice enough to give me a prescription for Lilly too, just in case. The next morning, Lilly wakes up throwing up. I'm super glad I asked for her medicine too.
I woke up yesterday sick too but I am feeling much better today. The girls and I spent most of the day sleeping yesterday and today Lilly isn't feeling much better. She has body aches and a headache today and is napping on the couch. Poor kiddo has has a rough week and a half. It's hard being sick but she misses her Daddy so much. She was crying last night because she misses him so much. We all miss him terribly and being sick doesn't help that.
Right now I'm looking forward them finishing the antibiotics and us feeling better. We really want to enjoy our time here and get out of the house. The last week and half has seemed like a lot longer. We're happy to be here with family and in the states but we're still trying to count down the days until Steven gets here. We can't wait until you get to join in our fun! Oh and the girls have had tons of fun playing with their cousin Phia. She is just the funniest little girl with the biggest personality. She has had me laughing everyday since we got here :) She is pretty excited to see "Uncle Tebie" too!