Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What do the litte girls do while Lilly is at school?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Big News, BIG NEWS!
We also got some more big news this weekend. We received our next assignment.
We are headed to Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan! We are so excited to go there and make it our home. The girls are ecstatic. Lilly has learned that all of the kids in her class are military kids too and they all go through the same process of packing up and moving. Sadie and Lilly both remember the physical process of moving- packing up the house, getting on an airplane, staying in hotels, getting a new house, and then wait and wait some more for our belongings to catch up to us- and are excited to see where this next chapter brings us. At school when someone moves they will tell the class where they are moving to and try to "prepare" them for the changes. Lilly remembers where all her friends that have gone so she is hoping that she sees them again. I know, I know. Most of you are saying explain to her that there's a good chance she won't see them. But, there is a little boy in her class here that was in her nursery school class in England. They remembered each other when he moved here and have enjoyed that.
Sadie is thrilled because there is a Disneyland in Tokyo, ha! She likes looking at the photos of our trip in Disneyland Paris in 2007 when I was pregnant with her. She wants to see all her favorite characters, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy. That is a big one on our list to do there. Either way we are excited :) I will try and keep this blog up to date on all the different parts of PCSing to the other side of the world!
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Other Playground
Check out so more here, Fleur De Lis Photographie.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Saturday Off?
Steven has been on normal day shift schedule for the past week or so. What I mean by that is 8 hour shifts with Saturday and Sunday off. I seriously cannot even remember the last Saturday he had off. And on nights, his first day off he would sleep half of the day so we wouldn't see him. This past Saturday he had off and had gone to sleep normally on Friday, so when the girls woke up and he was waking up too they started getting excited. Lilly figured out that she was going to get to share breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him. She and Sadie were giggling because they were so excited. It was so cute to see them that excited over something as simple as sharing meals together.
Since we're pretty early risers, we took advantage of the day. We ate breakfast, got dressed, and headed out. The girls got on their bikes, Ruby in the stroller, and we headed for a playground. We got there and the girls parked their bikes and headed on to play. There were flowers there to pick, a giant playground, and they were able to ride their bikes around it. Ruby felt left out because she couldn't take her bike and helmet so she borrowed Lilly's helmet to play in. And yes, Lilly's helmet did fit her. Sadie and Ruby have big heads- Thanks Steven!- and Lilly's head, even though she's older and taller, is the smallest of the three.
What I love about these days is that I take my camera and just photograph whatever I can. The girls will occasionally break from playing for a little while and let me take a few photos while they rest. After they excitement form the playground wore off we packed up, got on bikes, and headed to find another playground. We found another playground and gazebo and played there for awhile then headed home for a much needed potty break. The girls were beat so we headed out for lunch and then back home so Ruby could nap. And when she woke up we headed to another, you guessed it, playground! But since Ruby is about to wake up from her nap and we have to get Lilly from school, I'll save it for another time.
And for even more photos, check out my other blog, Fleur De Lis Photographie.
Oh and I am making it a priority for Steven and I to take more pictures together and to try and get some more family ones, you'll see more and more photos of us. And Steven hates it!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sprinkler Fun and a Little Blog Safety
Anyways back to the sprinkler. It has been getting warmer and warmer here so Daddy decided it was time to buy a new sprinkler for the kiddos to play in. Luckily when we went to the BX they had a kids sprinkler mat in the shape of a turtle. We thought we were going to have to just get one of the regular ones for watering your yard so we definitely lucked out. We were also able to find the big girls tankinis. We are big fans of two pieces for them because it is much easier to go to the bathroom, but we also wanted them to be fully covered so we're happy with what we found. Needless to say we had a great afternoon.
I took photos of the girls while Steven started the fire pit. He made smores- by himself because the girls and I just have no patience to roast marshmallows, we played bubbles instead. I love how even with all the things going on around her, Sadie was still just playing in her own world at her pace.
Ruby was thrilled with the water and wasted no time going straight in. Lilly was a little skiddish and I think it was because it was cold water but she had a big 'ole grin on her face the whole time. Sadie walked around it for awhile and then went straight through it. They really wanted Daddy to go through it with them, so he did for a little bit and then made the smores. Ruby called them smoes, Sadie called them snores, and Lilly was just upset that they couldn't say the word properly. Needless to say that as soon as the finished eating them they were muddy and chocolatey so straight to the shower they went. And after about and hour and a half outside they had some pretty nice tan lines going on.
Oh and the turtle had a toy feature to it. On the torso of the turtle there was tiny turtles in fake water that moved all around. Lilly and Sadie went on and on about how the turtle was pregnant. It was pretty funny. They have the funniest conversations with each other, especially in the car!
PS. Don't forget to check out my new photography blog and follow on there!
Fleur De Lis Photographie
So I have decided that I would like to start a photography business. When, I don’t know. I am in no rush to get it started because we’ll be moving in 9 months and we don’t know where and I am taking the kiddos back to the states for the summer. So in the mean time I am absolutely content on practicing until we are are settled at our next base. I started a new blog that I’ll start just posting anything photography related over there. I also have a bunch of photos that I have wanted to share but take much too long to load onto Facebook. I’ll still be posting about our everyday lives on here. You can find my photography blog here, Fleur De Lis Photographie. If your wondering about the name, it is after Miss Lillian. She was the first reason I wanted to learn photography. Also, Steven and I have always been partial to the number 3. Three words in “I love you”, 3 baby girls, and 3 kisses when we say goodbye, and three petals on the fleur de lis. It just fit. Looking around our house you’ll find clusters of 3 everywhere, which I just noticed so it just seemed like the natural choice.
So for the foreseeable future I will continue shooting everything and anything and build a potfolio, so if you know anyone who’d like some photos done let me know!
And because it just doesn’t feel right to leave a post without photos, these are some of my favorites from this spring.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Can you see a difference?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mother’s Day
Saturday, May 7, 2011
How did I forget about Spring Break?
The theater on base only plays movies on the weekend. We went and saw Rango. The girls enjoyed themselves but Ruby didn’t want to sit still. I’m not sure if I really liked it or not. I know I’ve seen better kids movies but it was nice to enjoy a movie out of the house.
Steven really wanted to take them miniature golfing again. It is really cheap- only a dollar to play- and the girls loved it last time they went. They went through the course so fast! They would take their turn and just keep going. I could really care less because I am terrible at it, but Steven actually wanted to play. He played every hole. Every time the girls got the ball in the hole, they would shout “Bingo!”. Ruby thought it was hilarious. She sat in the stroller most of the time and watched Steven play, so when he got the ball in the hole she would shout “Bingo!” for him and clap her hands. And speaking of Daddy, he got a hole in one on the first hole. Me being the sore loser I am was not impressed! After golfing we went to Arkadas Park. It’s the big park here on base. There are playgrounds, gazebos, grills. volleyball, a stage that has a rock wall too, and nest of all bathrooms, lol! Even though they claim that they already went or don’t need to, 10 minutes after we get anywhere someone has to go to the bathroom. All in all it was really fun day :)
- Krissy
Friday, May 6, 2011
Nature Photography
Does anyone know what any of these might be called? Other than the basic roses and hibiscus, I have no idea!