Our house is buzzing with excitement! Our bags are packed the house is 95% cleaned. The only part that is left is things we need for the day. We just need to find something to help the day go by faster. So far we have checked in early, finished cleaning he bathrooms, have every room upstairs done, and the girls cleaned up their toys in the living room. I need to do one more load of dishes and laundry and and I am done! It's been way too long since I've been in the states, one month shy of 5 years. It's crazy that it has been that long and going back seems so surreal.
Steven keeps talking about taking the girls to Walmart. They haven't been to the States ever and they only know a military life. We're sure that they will be looking for uniforms and wondering why we don't need to show our ID's to purchase things. I am looking forward to seeing family and meeting my niece. The girls can't wait to see Sophie and everyone. Sadie has even said she won't be shy, she'll hug everyone, and be good. They are also looking forward to seeing all the pets everyone has. We truly can't wait! We'll be there soon!