Photobucket Married to my knight in dirty camo, raising our 3 beauties, and living the military life, home is where the US Air Force sends us! This is our way of sharing the everyday chaos and joy with our family and friends♥

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Playroom :)

Here is the girls' playroom. Still needs some better seating, but it's done.
Looking in from the door.
From the window.
From the tv.
We moved the princess table and drawers downstairs so the girls have some things to play with down there. Their bedroom is done until we find some more furniture/rugs.
Our bedroom is done, except it is cluttered with laundry and baby things. Plus I let the girls sleep with me when Steven is working.
Ruby's room is a work in progress, but it is almost done.
Kitchen is done. Dining room is done. Just need to take some pictures.
Living room is "done". We need to buy some end tables, a chair, and a bookshelf (bigger).
The front yard has our swing and we just need to throw away our burgundy couch. It's just sitting in the driveway right now. And the front yard needs my car, ha!
The backyard is waiting for a grill. But sadly we can't get one until we get my car back. They only have propane grills and you can only get propane off base. 
Very soon we will be completely done! Only to do this all again in 2 years. Crazy!
I have photos on my other computer and external hard drive so when I have the time, I'll transfer them onto my new computer.


...It's been a while since my last post. Blogger was not loading properly and wouldn't even let me log in. Technically not completely my fault. Any who, Stevo bought me a new laptop for our anniversary so Blogger is working a lot better now. The girls are getting big. Lilly just turned 4 and is 31 lbs and 38" tall. She is still petite but she is consistently growing. Poor girl is dying to go back to school, but we don't think she'd even be able to start until August/September since it is so late in the school year, that is if they even accept her into to the preschool program. Hopefully though we will be getting into more programs for the kids. (My car is "supposedly" here, we'll have to call tomorrow to confirm. Even though it's ''here'', we won't be able to have it for a couple of weeks because more paperwork, yippee!) She is not shy, which makes us pretty nervous (Steven gets super nervous), and is loving the fact that the Turks are very friendly and often talk to the girls and give them things. She is getting too big and smart and strong.
Miss Ruby is now 4 months old! She is 14 lbs. and 24.5" long. She is talking up a storm already and still smiley all the time.We just switched her formula at her doctor's request. She is now on Similac Alimentum. It's a hypoallergenic formula for protein sensitivity. Her immune system seems to be hyper sensitive and goes into overdrive when something irritates her. She is taking antibiotics for some really bad eczema on her arms and shoulders. She is also taking zantaz for her acid reflux and zyrtec for allergies. All in all, our baby girl is a super trooper. You would never even know there was something wrong, unless you saw her arms. Her cradle cap seems to have resolved itself. we have started her on rice cereal and she has even eaten some yogurt. She loves eating with a spoon and in her high chair. She can stand if you hold her hands, but only if she wants to. She is just an amazing baby.
Sadie-Mae is, well, Sadie-Mae, lol! She is a laugh riot. She has been picking random words she hears on tv, repeats them, and then laughs hysterically. Some of the things she says just are ridiculous. She also has a love of being naked. She'll take her underwear off when she goes to the bathroom and won't put them back on. When went to the hospital yesterday and discovered she was going commando. She undressed her self and chased the cat down the hallway. Lilly even told her to put some underwear on because she was burning her eyes. She is also dying to get on another airplane and visit grandparents. She tries to pack her bags everyday, Lilly too!
We are doing well too. Steve and I are just sleep deprived and praying that he can switch to day shift soon. Pictures of the house will come soon! I promise!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter and Happy 4th Birthday Lilly!

Well this Easter wasn't our greatest, but we made the most of it. Steven had to work, and he's working nights at that. It was also Lilly's birthday so it was a little hard to differentiate between the two, we wanted to celebrate both. The girls were up so early, even before Steven got home for work. Sadie was completely shocked to see the baskets. It was a priceless moment and I am grateful I snapped the picture at the exact moment!

The girls looked so pretty in their dresses. We unfortunately didn't make it to church because of not having a car and Steven working nights. The poor guy dragged himself to the club so we could have brunch together. I was having second thoughts about going because we were all so tired and cranky. But I am glad we went, the girls loved it! They were so happy to go to an "Easter Party". They picked out their food and got some plastic eggs. We went to the BX after and got a couple of goodies and then headed home.

All 3 girls fell asleep on the way home. Steven went to bed when we got home, just to get up a couple of hours later for work. Poor guy. When he woke up we ate dinner, artichoke chicken, rice, and veggies, and then the birthday cake. Well it was birthday brownie with frosting and it was really good. Ruby made googly eyes at all the chocolate. And of course Sadie and Lilly loved it.

Then it was time for some presents. We gave here a pink Nintendo DS and a ni hao, kai-lan game. She has been obsessed with it since her birthday! And on Monday she got presents from her grandparents! She got the Princess and the Frog DVD and some chalk from Memo and Papop; and $20 from YiaYia and Papou which she picked out a Princess and the Frog doll :) All in all it was a good holiday/birthday. Next year will be better, and I already have ideas!

PS.  I'll post one of Ruby in her dress later, it wasn't loading properly!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finally, some new photos!

I know I haven't been updated any photos for a while, but I promise it's not my fault. The internet being slower than we are used to and Blogger not uploading means no photos. I am trying to make up for it!

Miss Sadie-Mae is the proud new owner of her very first bike! she is completely in love with her Dora tricycle, although she is not quite used to the continuous pedaling yet. She could not wait for our household goods to get her so she could get her Dora helmet to go with the bike. She is such a nut but she looks so cute riding her bike. She did have one accident, she was going too fast down the driveway and tipped. Thank the Lord she had her helmet on because she fell on the side of her head. She wasn't hurt, just a little scared, but she got right back onto her back and pedaled away! Lilly is a pro, she did laps around the cul-de-sac. She had a blast though!
Little Miss Ruby Doobs is smiling away at her Daddy in the photo above. Steven took the kids to the playground so I could have a little time away from all the noise. All 3 kiddos had fun and Daddy even took a lot of pictures for me :)

The girls are in love with Milo and Chance. Lilly, especially, goes after them a little too much, but we're working on it with her. Even Sadie has liked the dog and cat. She usually is terrified of live animals, even those Fur Real Pets. She never ever would go near them, but she has been great with ours and has been petting them and loving on them.
Ruby was fussing because it was tummy time so I turned her towards the TV to distract her and the others followed suit. She was only distracted for a couple of minutes but her sisters jumped into action to distract her again.

We are finally getting settled and Steven is back to work. I'm not so sure if I like this Panama schedule, maybe if he was on days but night shift just plain sucks. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it, or if poor Stevo will. All 5 of us are grouchy if we don't get enough sleep. But we are trying to move past that and not take it out on each other.

Oh, and my car, yea it's still not here. Ugh, this is crazy. I really want it back! And Lilly is going to be 4 tomorrow. I am not so sure I am ok with this. When did she get so big and where did she get her attitude? She can be so sweet though, so I guess it balances out!

It's getting late here, so Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy your day and your families!


PS. Click on the photos and they'll enlarge so you can see them better :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

We got a puppy!!!

Meet Chance!
Daddy is already in love!
So are the rest of us :)